Visualization Project Evaluation Content

Cycle: Evaluation of#nbsp;Visualization Projects

3D-visualisation: Arq. Oscar Pastor
Client: Personal Project
Project: The Lighthouse
Formation of Commercial Proposal and Technical Specification

According to#nbsp;the results of#nbsp;yesterday’s survey, opinions were divided into three equal parts. Despite not giving an#nbsp;introduction to#nbsp;the project, it#nbsp;was important to#nbsp;demonstrate the logic behind the client’s decision. Interestingly, this "reinforcement" (i.e., the cheapest) approach to#nbsp;selecting a#nbsp;contractor is#nbsp;something I#nbsp;observe in#nbsp;every class, from economy to#nbsp;luxury.

Let’s run through the stages that affect the evaluation:

0. Introduction
  1. Analysis of#nbsp;the source material
  2. Setting preliminary perspectives
  3. Formation of Commercial Proposal and Technical Specification
  4. Contract conclusion
  5. Advance Payment of#nbsp;the Project
  6. Modeling
  7. Visualization
  8. Postproduction
  9. Working under NDA
  10. Source Files Transfe
  11. Project closure
  12. Exceptions
  13. Additional costs

It#nbsp;is#nbsp;important to#nbsp;note that this list is#nbsp;not only suitable for exterior statics, with which we#nbsp;mainly work. With minor adjustments, all these stages can be#nbsp;considered in#nbsp;the evaluation of#nbsp;interiors and animations.
2021-10-07 13:39 Guides 3D visualization