On Sustainable Architecture

Project: Sber City
Geo: Moscow, RU

Today, I listened to an interview on BFM with Andrey Likhachev, the CEO of the "Rublyovo-Arkhangelskoye" development project for Sber City. One important point caught my attention: Andrey was the first to succinctly and clearly define what sustainability means in architecture. Specifically, he provided three definitions:

  • Self-sustaining
  • Self-propelling
  • Self-reproducing

In short, you couldn’t say it any clearer. I will use the last option. Explaining the concept of sustainability to people outside the architecture field is a professional pain. Thank you!

And since the interview discussed Sber City, here are a few interesting points:

  1. In project requests, clients of Gork Studio measure tasks by the dimensions of this project: "like Sber City," "1/3 of Sber City," etc., even before signing an NDA.
  2. The site is unique and has great potential: it’s a peninsula of 461 hectares with a pond in the center, surrounded by the historic Arkhangelskoye estate and the protected natural reserve "Lohin Island," with complex geology and a water protection zone. The downside is that building a residential cluster for 65,000 residents in such a location is not easy.
  3. The territory was acquired by Sber through a non-repayable loan from previous owners who, for reasons mentioned above, were unable to realize the project before Gref’s team took over.
  4. The entire area will implement separate waste disposal with an underground waste transportation system. You might argue that not everyone will use it, to which Andrey responded with something I’ve already heard in a personal conversation with the head of the ambitious and successfully implemented School 800 project: "If we don’t start, we’ll never do it." For me, this is a litmus test that the project is in reliable hands.

P. S. Only questions about the renders remain! Let’s create good images; we have experience in such volumes. The visuals for this project should meet quality standards and market levels.

Read the full interview on the BFM website.

2024-06-15 16:18 Events