Matte Painting

3D-Visualisation: Arqui9
Project: Hidden Gem
Client: Non-commercial

We#nbsp;occasionally talk about matte painting, but until now, we#nbsp;haven’t provided good examples from architectural visualization studios. Today, we’re correcting that by#nbsp;including in#nbsp;our selection one of#nbsp;the strongest representatives of#nbsp;this field.

Their non-commercial project allows you to#nbsp;follow step-by-step how an#nbsp;image is#nbsp;assembled. And, I#nbsp;think, it#nbsp;answers the question of#nbsp;why this method is#nbsp;scarcely used for work with developers, but is#nbsp;nevertheless very picturesque.

We#nbsp;are proponents of#nbsp;full 3D, but with partial use of#nbsp;matte painting. We#nbsp;draw people at#nbsp;closer perspectives, sometimes grass, trees, water, clouds, but it#nbsp;never exceeds 10% of#nbsp;the total image volume.

In#nbsp;the current example, 10% is#nbsp;3D, the rest is#nbsp;matte painting.
2021-03-31 10:57 3D visualization