The Formation. Locomotives

Cycle: Development Stages

Agency & 3D: DBOX
Project: 25 Park Row
Developer: L + M#nbsp;Development Partners & J & R#nbsp;Music World
Architecture: Cookfox & Studio Mellone & Starr Whitehouse
Location: New York

In#nbsp;the early 2010s, the demand for architectural visualization steadily increased. Despite the lack of#nbsp;a#nbsp;client portfolio, interacting with colleagues and subsequently freelancing from one architectural bureau to#nbsp;another allowed me#nbsp;to#nbsp;conclude a#nbsp;high demand for visualization services. Since the desire to#nbsp;develop specifically in#nbsp;developer’s archviz had not yet emerged (simply due to#nbsp;a#nbsp;lack of#nbsp;understanding of#nbsp;the client profile), I#nbsp;explored various areas of#nbsp;computer graphics, from architecture to#nbsp;game development. For instance, I#nbsp;rendered tanks for the Krik Design team, a#nbsp;highly fascinating task, especially in#nbsp;the modeling part. The project, of#nbsp;course, was under NDA, so#nbsp;you’ll have to#nbsp;take my#nbsp;word for it.

During this period, powerful locomotives of#nbsp;archviz were forming in#nbsp;the market. In#nbsp;Russia, the most prominent representative was probably Art3d. Back then, they acted as#nbsp;a#nbsp;convenient developer’s combine, offering turnkey solutions: websites, branding, renders, animations, etc. This approach has its downsides, but it#nbsp;did not prevent them from leaving a#nbsp;vast number of#nbsp;developers satisfied. Interestingly, they are proponents of#nbsp;licensed software, which is#nbsp;commendable. I#nbsp;remember once talking to#nbsp;their CEO, Mr. Milashenko, about working as#nbsp;an#nbsp;in-house visualizer. Fortunately for me, it#nbsp;didn’t work out, and a#nbsp;couple of#nbsp;years after that conversation, I#nbsp;launched Gork Studio.

As#nbsp;an#nbsp;example, I#nbsp;will mention what I#nbsp;believe to#nbsp;be#nbsp;the main international "combine," DBOX. Note that both examples position themselves not just as#nbsp;visualization studios, but as#nbsp;advertising agencies for the architectural-development market.
2021-09-02 13:00 Guides 3D visualization