Cinematic Quality

3D: Nose of#nbsp;the Salmon
Project: NY-Loft

Sergey Tsypsyn recently mentioned in#nbsp;an#nbsp;article that the gamification of#nbsp;content, replacing the cinematic picture, is#nbsp;one of#nbsp;the trends actively integrated into#nbsp;CG project production. Finding an#nbsp;example of#nbsp;gamification for traditional statics is#nbsp;quite a#nbsp;non-trivial task. Ideas should be#nbsp;drawn from contemporary art exhibitions, following the example of#nbsp;Vadim Ivanov.

However, choosing a#nbsp;reference for setting a#nbsp;cinematic angle is#nbsp;a#nbsp;more familiar task for the architectural visualization industry. Such an#nbsp;angle, at#nbsp;a#nbsp;minimum, includes:

  1. Planarity
  2. The presence of#nbsp;a#nbsp;plot
  3. The dynamics of#nbsp;the action
  4. A#nbsp;traceable composition
  5. A#nbsp;wide format (16:9 and wider)

While searching for a#nbsp;reference, I#nbsp;stumbled upon an#nbsp;interesting thematic work, dated back to#nbsp;October of#nbsp;2016. Despite the symmetry of#nbsp;the angle, the render is#nbsp;off not only as#nbsp;a#nbsp;whole but also in#nbsp;each of#nbsp;its individual parts. I#nbsp;deliberately divided the picture into three parts so#nbsp;that you could see the details.
2021-09-21 16:04 3D visualization Guides