Checking Composition: Black & White

3D: Gork Studio

I want to share with you a simple tool for assessing the quality of composition and the depth of the frame.

First, a bit of theory from photography. From any color image, two components can be distinguished:

  1. Information related to color (saturation, spectrum, brightness of color, etc.)
  2. Information forming the structure and volume of the frame (brightness, contrast, light levels, shadows, etc.)

When assessing composition, depth, and planarity of a frame, it’s most convenient to completely remove color by converting the image to black and white. This eliminates at least half of the information unrelated to the subject of assessment, making the image much easier to perceive.

For example, a blurred image that looks like a uniformly gray spot in black and white clearly indicates a lack of planarity. And this can be corrected! The main thing is to diagnose it.

Attached are several of our renders for illustration.

Gork 3D visualization Guides