​Architectural Animation


Developer: FGC Region (part of the FGC Group of Companies)
General Designer: Olimproekt
Project: Flagship residential complex
Architecture: ABG
Location: Vladivostok, RU
Production: Gork Studio

Hello, friends! It always happens this way - just when you get ready for active publications in the magazine, a task comes along with the following challenge: there is a month until the project presentation at the Eastern Economic Forum, animation is required, and the project data is not fully available at the start, etc. It becomes necessary to adjust the schedule and stock up on coffee)

The project was carried out for FSK Region. It was our first time working with them, and I would like to note their absolute trust in our team. The management was receptive to any suggestions from our side, starting with the script and ending with the final compositing. This minimized the flow of traditional comments and provided room for creativity. It's extremely rare to encounter such an approach to work.

However, given the specifics of animation and, in particular, the relief of Vladivostok, the volume of work for a month remained colossal. In such cases, I always remember the wise words of a 3D artist: to keep the team in tone, it's necessary to take on tasks that are slightly beyond the bounds of sanity at least once a year. We've been practicing this exercise for 8 years now - it helps with growth, I recommend it)

Today, I just suggest we take a look at what we've achieved, and tomorrow we'll start discussing how to work with it.
Gork Guides 3D visualization