
Ph: K. Gorozhanin

With just a few similar models in the arsenal, scatters can be used to create an endless variety of chaotic or orderly patterns, primarily in vegetation.

The main software includes Forest Pack, Multiscatter, and the standard Corona scatter. We use the latter as it is the most versatile solution, allowing us to involve a wide range of specialists.

PS When it comes to forest photography, it’s hard not to mention scatters. But there’s another thought on the subject of the photo. Just 2−3 weeks ago, I discussed with an artist the complexity of setting angles in the forest. Urban environments provide dominants, rhythm, or a clearly traceable perspective. There’s always something to anchor a composition. However, in the forest, these rules work differently: there are no obvious connections as all objects are unique, and the diversity of the color palette distracts from building a composition, creating chaos in the frame. This method helps, but in my opinion, architectural street photography is a much more comprehensible activity.
2022-01-08 11:55 Gork Photo