
Branding: The Salt
Project: Residenzen Am#nbsp;Weinberg
Client: Whitecrow Partners
Location: Stuttgart, Germany

A#nbsp;short definition of#nbsp;branding is#nbsp;the presentation packaging of#nbsp;all available materials for the sale of#nbsp;an#nbsp;architectural object.

Choosing a#nbsp;branding agency is#nbsp;no#nbsp;less important than choosing a#nbsp;contractor for visualization, and if#nbsp;we#nbsp;consider our bias towards development, the list of#nbsp;works covered by#nbsp;this section will explain why:

  1. Formation of#nbsp;a#nbsp;corporate style (fonts, color palette, logo, materials)
  2. Distilling the idea into understandable and simple theses
  3. Selection or#nbsp;creation of#nbsp;a#nbsp;visual associative array from photographs or#nbsp;drawings
  4. Website and landing page development
  5. Adapting social networks for the project
  6. Development of#nbsp;printed materials (brand book, business cards, presentation, brochures, and other identity items)
  7. Finally, integrating visualization as#nbsp;the main content

Branding can both enhance the perception of#nbsp;a#nbsp;project and cause rejection. Today’s project is#nbsp;about excellent branding.
2021-04-02 16:23 3D visualization