Expectation and Reality

Architecture: Zaha Hadid Architects
Project: Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Art Centre
Photo: Virgile Simon Bertrand
Geo: Jinwan District in#nbsp;Zhuhai, Ch

This building was featured in#nbsp;a#nbsp;magazine. However, as#nbsp;of#nbsp;the beginning of#nbsp;2021, we#nbsp;only had renders at#nbsp;our disposal.

Transferring from "paper" to#nbsp;reality did not lead to#nbsp;changes in#nbsp;the structure. A#nbsp;detailed study of#nbsp;the project will reveal only minor adjustments in#nbsp;the layout of#nbsp;materials. At#nbsp;first, I#nbsp;even thought I#nbsp;was looking at#nbsp;old renders.

The topic of#nbsp;fidelity is#nbsp;interesting. It#nbsp;is#nbsp;necessary to#nbsp;strive for a#nbsp;sufficient level of#nbsp;photorealism. However, depending on#nbsp;the task, there is#nbsp;an#nbsp;acceptable degree of#nbsp;leeway that allows visualizers to:

  • Add commercial artistry
  • Focus attention on#nbsp;details
  • Hide flaws and highlight the merits of#nbsp;the project, etc.

I#nbsp;don’t see anything illegal in#nbsp;this, but one must approach creative deviations wisely. They should be#nbsp;justified by#nbsp;the task at#nbsp;hand. Otherwise, the work will need to#nbsp;be#nbsp;corrected or#nbsp;even redone.
2023-12-08 14:25 Architecture Photo