From General to Specific

3D-Visualisation: MOT
Project: Songdo Library
Location: South Korea

Today, we#nbsp;feature a#nbsp;library located in#nbsp;South Korea. Without knowledge of#nbsp;this fact, the winter landscape combined with the panorama of#nbsp;a#nbsp;residential area might easily be#nbsp;mistaken for somewhere in#nbsp;Tekstilschiki. However, even with the architectural diversity in#nbsp;Moscow, such bold forms are quite rare.

The formation of#nbsp;a#nbsp;composition from simple volumes is#nbsp;one of#nbsp;the first practices architecture students learn in#nbsp;their training. Over time, these details become more fragmented and complex. This process fosters an#nbsp;understanding of#nbsp;volume and the principle of "from general to#nbsp;specific." This is, by#nbsp;the way, a#nbsp;useful concept that can be#nbsp;widely applied.
2021-07-20 12:52 Architecture 3D visualization