Project and Client Manager (PM and CM)

Cycle: About Employees

Illustration: Vittorio Bonapace
Project: Ordinary Beauty for The challenge of#nbsp;Tomorrow | 2020
Location: Hudson Yards, NYC

As#nbsp;we#nbsp;don’t have a#nbsp;CM, the story will focus only on#nbsp;the#nbsp;PM with extended client functions. The difference between them lies in#nbsp;the fact that the PM, to#nbsp;a#nbsp;greater extent, works on#nbsp;the production side with the studio’s artists, while the#nbsp;CM interacts with the client. In#nbsp;the exchange of#nbsp;information, they intersect and act as#nbsp;a#nbsp;buffer for adapting incoming and outgoing information.

The duties of#nbsp;our#nbsp;PM include:

  1. Exchanging information with clients/staff/outsourcing
  2. Translating from client language to#nbsp;artists' language and vice versa
  3. Interaction strategies
  4. Preparing technical specifications
  5. Project assessment and proposal preparation
  6. Handling objections to#nbsp;comments
  7. Maintaining team morale
  8. Flawless texts in#nbsp;this public space :)
2021-06-16 13:40 Guides 3D visualization