Directions in CG

3D: Lemealstudio
Project: Summertime

Yesterday, I#nbsp;had an#nbsp;interview with a "specialist" who had never opened 3ds Max before. How this happened, we’ll leave off-camera. To#nbsp;not waste the allocated time, I#nbsp;decided to#nbsp;briefly explain to#nbsp;him what archviz is#nbsp;and to#nbsp;which part of#nbsp;the industry it#nbsp;belongs. I#nbsp;also directed him to#nbsp;train with colleagues, hoping he#nbsp;might become a#nbsp;skilled professional.

During my#nbsp;monologue, I#nbsp;pondered which area of#nbsp;computer graphics I#nbsp;would choose at#nbsp;this moment if#nbsp;I#nbsp;didn’t have an#nbsp;architectural background and my#nbsp;own visualization studio, Gork Studio.

The processes in#nbsp;3D#nbsp;CG production are more or#nbsp;less the same. What differs is#nbsp;the scale of#nbsp;the teams, market size, software used, objects transferred into computer graphics, etc. If#nbsp;I#nbsp;were to#nbsp;list the main directions in#nbsp;terms of#nbsp;demand and profitability, I#nbsp;would rank them as#nbsp;follows:

  1. Interior
  2. Product Design
  3. Architecture
  4. Games
  5. Cinema
  6. Metaverse
2021-09-24 13:09 3D visualization