Comprehensive Project Packaging

3D-Visualisation: WAX
Project: Nieuw Bergen
Architecture: MVRDV & SDK Vastgoed
Location: Limburg, Netherlands

Approaching the creation of#nbsp;creatives for real estate promotion is#nbsp;a#nbsp;complex task. It#nbsp;requires building interaction chains between developers, architects, marketers, visualizers, website builders, PR#nbsp;specialists, and social media marketers to#nbsp;accurately convey the idea to#nbsp;the final buyer.

For instance, it#nbsp;often happens that great creatives are published on#nbsp;inconvenient platforms, repelling potential buyers.

Today’s set of#nbsp;renders from WAX studio is#nbsp;not about that. By#nbsp;following the link to#nbsp;the project’s website, one can observe a#nbsp;well-packaged project where the interaction of#nbsp;all production participants is#nbsp;evident. As#nbsp;a#nbsp;result, the focus of#nbsp;attention is#nbsp;held for a#nbsp;long time when viewing the material, and it#nbsp;invites study, even if#nbsp;you were not planning to#nbsp;buy square meters there.
2021-02-20 13:01 3D visualization Architecture