Technical Director

Cycle: About Employees

3D-Visualisation: Ginsun
Project: 5 Star Hilton Hotel
Location: China

I#nbsp;take on#nbsp;the role of#nbsp;the technical director in#nbsp;our team. We#nbsp;will talk more about my#nbsp;functions as#nbsp;the head of#nbsp;the studio, but for now, let’s discuss something very pleasant#nbsp;— hardware and software. For me, this is#nbsp;not just a#nbsp;position, but rather a#nbsp;hobby.

The task of#nbsp;the tech. director is#nbsp;to#nbsp;ensure the absence of#nbsp;bugs, crashes, and other technical issues. To#nbsp;achieve this, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;necessary to: ⁃ Purchase and set up#nbsp;the necessary equipment; ⁃ Develop network infrastructure; ⁃ Search for and adapt new work tools; ⁃ Debug and update software; ⁃ Keep up#nbsp;with new technologies.

Soon, we#nbsp;will launch a#nbsp;detailed cycle about hardware and software, where I’ll thoroughly discuss our infrastructure and the costs involved.
2021-06-17 12:58 Guides 3D visualization