
An object consisting of parts that are a scaled-down copy of the whole is commonly referred to as fractals. They come from geometry and allow us to see infinity.

Fractal forms exist in nature (snowflakes, trees) and, with the advent of graphic editors and design programs, are actively used in graphics, as well as can be found in architecture.

Our brain perceives seemingly chaotic forms as a unified whole. This is a deceptive impression, as they actually have a clear structure and logic. We unconsciously note symmetry, the golden ratio, rhythm, and other compositional techniques. The same happens with fractals. Moreover, all of the above can be traced in various fractals. The brain simply cannot ignore such a set.

To deeply dive into this topic, even three voluminous cycles wouldn’t be enough. But we will return to it as necessary. Here, however, I present several architectural examples where you can study fractals.
2022-07-20 19:30 Architecture