Media Combines

Design: CUUB studio
Project: Cremorne office building
Client: Fieldwork Architects
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Just yesterday, while strolling along Pyatnitskaya Street, I#nbsp;discussed with an#nbsp;old acquaintance about technical combines like Art-3D in#nbsp;their heyday and companies that are now striving for similar scale in#nbsp;the market.

From a#nbsp;business perspective, it’s an#nbsp;excellent model. The main Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is#nbsp;a#nbsp;comprehensive service package that includes renders, website, animation, brand book, etc. Clients don’t have to#nbsp;worry about details and can hand over everything for a#nbsp;good fixed cost with a#nbsp;request to#nbsp;implement content ideally within five months and five days.

However, no#nbsp;matter how well-coordinated the team’s actions are, to#nbsp;meet the "yesterday" deadline, the company will always use standard solutions or "mass market," and this applies to#nbsp;projects of#nbsp;any level.

In#nbsp;my#nbsp;opinion, such combines will only survive if#nbsp;they maintain median quality standards in#nbsp;the market. Which, over the past five years, has increased quite significantly.
2021-07-06 11:37 Architecture