News Post

IPhoto: Gork Journal
Geo: Zodchestvo 2023

The past two weeks have been incredibly busy. Key highlight: we completed a project for VTB. Interestingly, the theme was related to the animation cycle, specifically in the vegetation section we were focusing on. I deemed it prudent not to publish it until we finish the task, so as to add relevant theses.

We also discussed an exciting collaboration with arhitektory. rf on a separate series of articles with students and graduates of the program. We’ll be covering architectural styles and more with the students. Details coming soon.
must also mention the much-talked-about Russia exhibition at VDNKh. The media reported that nearly 450,000 people visited it over the weekend. The number seems plausible, as I’ve never seen so many people at VDNKh, and the new stands (which approximately doubled the exhibition) had endless queues. Definitely worth a visit, but better on weekdays. Especially the House of Russian Cuisine 🤤

And finally, the recent Zodchestvo festival at Gostiny Dvor. The key theme of the exhibition changes every year, and it was gratifying that this time the organizers focused on the regions of Russia. It was interesting to interact with representatives from remote corners of our vast country and see the level of regional projects. I’ve attached a few shots from the exhibition to this post.

2023-11-07 15:10 Gork Photo Events