News Post

IPhoto: Gork Journal
Geo: Zodchestvo 2023

The past two weeks have been incredibly busy. Key highlight: we#nbsp;completed a#nbsp;project for VTB. Interestingly, the theme was related to#nbsp;the animation cycle, specifically in#nbsp;the vegetation section we#nbsp;were focusing#nbsp;on. I#nbsp;deemed it#nbsp;prudent not to#nbsp;publish it#nbsp;until we#nbsp;finish the task, so#nbsp;as#nbsp;to add relevant theses.

We#nbsp;also discussed an#nbsp;exciting collaboration with arhitektory. rf on#nbsp;a#nbsp;separate series of#nbsp;articles with students and graduates of#nbsp;the program. We’ll be#nbsp;covering architectural styles and more with the students. Details coming soon.
must also mention the much-talked-about Russia exhibition at#nbsp;VDNKh. The media reported that nearly 450,000 people visited it#nbsp;over the weekend. The number seems plausible, as I’ve never seen so#nbsp;many people at#nbsp;VDNKh, and the new stands (which approximately doubled the exhibition) had endless queues. Definitely worth a#nbsp;visit, but better on#nbsp;weekdays. Especially the House of#nbsp;Russian Cuisine 🤤

And finally, the recent Zodchestvo festival at#nbsp;Gostiny Dvor. The key theme of#nbsp;the exhibition changes every year, and it#nbsp;was gratifying that this time the organizers focused on#nbsp;the regions of#nbsp;Russia. It#nbsp;was interesting to#nbsp;interact with representatives from remote corners of#nbsp;our vast country and see the level of#nbsp;regional projects. I’ve attached a#nbsp;few shots from the exhibition to#nbsp;this post.
2023-11-07 15:10 Gork Photo Events