Correct Surrealism

Exhibition: Dali and Picasso
Location: Golitsyn Estate, Old Basman Street 15As4

The intertwining of Picasso and Dali in one exhibition feels a bit cramped. However, there is practical benefit: as antagonists by nature, they left an indelible mark on the history of art with varying degrees of creative madness, and the exhibition allows for reflection on points of contact. Thanks to collector Alexander Shadrin for providing the opportunity to study all this in person.

Picasso began his career as a classical artist, but by 1907 he revolutionized painting with the emergence of "Les Demoiselles d’Avignon." This is one of the first examples of Cubism, a movement that sought to break down objects into geometric forms. Cubism became Picasso’s main contribution to 20th-century art, paving the way for many other experimental styles.

Dali started his creative journey later. His works are imbued with a mystical and fantastical spirit, particularly evident in paintings like "The Persistence of Memory" with its soft clocks. Dali used symbolism and metaphors to explore the depths of the human subconscious. He was a master of illusion and detail, creating paintings that captivate viewers with their realism and absurdity.

What connects the two artists is their ability to radically push boundaries. They both sought innovation and looked for new ways to express their thoughts and feelings. The key difference between them is that Picasso was more politically active, often reflecting social issues in his work, while Dali was more interested in the inner world of man and psychological states.

Picasso and Dali can be appealing or cause deadly boredom (as seen in the last photo). It’s a matter of personal perception. But if you’ve never delved deeply into this topic, it’s definitely worth a try. At worst, you’ll have a good sleep!

P. S. If you really don’t want to trek to the exhibition through an unexpected spring, I recommend watching the cozy film "Waiting for Dali" to get acquainted with Salvador’s character.
