City Code Part 2

3D-visualisation: Morform
Project: Staircase exhibition
Client: Non-commercial
Location: NY, USA

Returning to#nbsp;the topic of#nbsp;yesterday’s conversation, I’d like to#nbsp;add a#nbsp;few more practical theses. Specifically, to#nbsp;share why we#nbsp;love working on#nbsp;3D visualization projects.

At#nbsp;every stage of#nbsp;render creation, we#nbsp;focus on#nbsp;the environment where the object is#nbsp;located. We#nbsp;study its location on#nbsp;the map, taking into account the topography and surrounding buildings. A#nbsp;distance of#nbsp;100−200 km#nbsp;can drastically change the vegetation, not to#nbsp;mention the differences in#nbsp;climate zones. Details such as#nbsp;road markings, car numbers, and even the ways pedestrian crossings blend into roads and sidewalks are unique in#nbsp;each city. And, of#nbsp;course, people. What kind of#nbsp;life stories are most likely to#nbsp;occur in#nbsp;a#nbsp;given place?

These and many other details, combined with the questions you ask during the process, so#nbsp;firmly embed the location in#nbsp;your memory that it#nbsp;feels like you’ve lived there for some time.

Part 1, Part 3
2021-04-12 10:04 Guides 3D visualization Architecture