Gloomy Futurism

Photo: Alexander Kaunas
Series: the New World Habitat
Location: Chongqing

This series is#nbsp;dedicated to#nbsp;the problems of#nbsp;overpopulation on#nbsp;the planet. Just think: the municipality of#nbsp;Chongqing is#nbsp;comparable in#nbsp;area to#nbsp;Austria! The grim tone is#nbsp;undoubtedly due to#nbsp;the style of#nbsp;the photographs, but if#nbsp;you look closer, it’s not just about that. The hyper-urbanized environment itself leaves no#nbsp;chance for the nature we#nbsp;are used#nbsp;to. The entire territory is#nbsp;literally rolled into concrete. And the comfort of#nbsp;the urban environment has so#nbsp;declined in#nbsp;favor of#nbsp;functionality, that it#nbsp;will be#nbsp;obvious even to#nbsp;those unfamiliar with architecture.

Looking at#nbsp;the shoreline, one recalls the tree-lined Moscow embankments. Yes, there are tiles and asphalt, but they don’t give the feeling of#nbsp;a#nbsp;scorched desert; there are trees and fountains that create coziness. Chongqing, however, is#nbsp;reminiscent of#nbsp;a#nbsp;computer game set on#nbsp;another planet.

Perhaps it’s time to#nbsp;take a#nbsp;breath, walk through Gorky Park, and feel how good it#nbsp;is#nbsp;when you are surrounded by#nbsp;a#nbsp;balanced approach to#nbsp;urban planning.
2021-07-22 13:03 Photo Architecture