Computer Hardware Maintenance

It’s obvious but needs saying: keeping an#nbsp;eye on#nbsp;your hardware is#nbsp;essential. At#nbsp;least every six months, it’s crucial to#nbsp;dismantle and clean workstations from dust and monitor temperature conditions. With our move to#nbsp;a#nbsp;new office, we#nbsp;finally got a#nbsp;server room with air conditioning, virtually eliminating dust and noise issues. I#nbsp;recommend and wish you the same experience.

Conducting maintenance during the peak work season is#nbsp;not advisable, but yesterday I#nbsp;finally got backplates for my#nbsp;3090s in#nbsp;the main machines and decided to#nbsp;carry out maintenance.

Those who own these cards know they get so#nbsp;hot that you could fry an#nbsp;egg on#nbsp;them under load. Copper radiators on#nbsp;a#nbsp;thermal pad are the simplest solution to#nbsp;mitigate this issue.

Anticipating the question of#nbsp;why we#nbsp;need 3090s when we#nbsp;compute on#nbsp;CPU in#nbsp;Corona, the answer is: the viewport in#nbsp;Max doesn’t turn into a#nbsp;slideshow when handling large-scale projects with 24Gb of#nbsp;video memory onboard. (We'll publish a#nbsp;project twice this size by#nbsp;the end of#nbsp;the year)
2021-12-07 11:12 Guides